Bc549 transistor datasheet pdf storage

Limiting values in accordance with the absolute maximum rating system iec 4. Please consult the most recently issued document before initiating or completing a design. Bc546, bc547, bc548, bc549, bc550 mouser electronics. O ooperating and storage junction temperature range. Free devices maximum ratings rating symbol value unit collector emitter voltage bc637 bc639 vceo 60 80 vdc collector base voltage bc637 bc639 vcbo 60 80 vdc emitter base voltage vebo 5. Bc637, bc639, bc63916 high current transistors npn silicon features these are pb. It is notably often the first type of bipolar transistor hobbyists encounter and is often featured in designs in hobby electronics magazines where a generalpurpose transistor is required. Bc547 datasheet, bc547 pdf, semtech electronics npn silicon epitaxial planar transistor. Epitaxial planar npn transistor, bc550a datasheet, bc550a pdf, bc550a datasheet pdf, datenblatt, pinouts, data sheet, schematic integrated circuits, transistor, semiconductors search and datasheet pdf download site. Pdf bc549 bc550 bc549 c120 550rev 081205e cbc550 bc549 to92 pin configuration npn transistor. Semiconductor data sheets andor specifications can and do vary in different applications and. Typical parameters which may be provided in scillc data sheets andor. Transistor npn 30v 100ma to92 online from elcodis, view and download bc548 pdf datasheet, transistors bjt single specifications. Bc548 datasheet vcbo30v, 500ma, npn transistor fairchild, bc548bu datasheet, bc548 pdf, bc548 pinout, bc548 manual, bc548 schematic, bc548 equivalent.

Symbol vcbo bc549 bc550 vceo collectoremitter voltage bc549 bc550 vebo ic icm ibm ptot tstg tj tamb note 1. The product status of devices described in this document may have changed since this document was published and may differ in case of. Bc239c npn transistor complementary pnp, replacement, pinout. Datasheet identification product status definition advance information formative or in design this datasheet contains the design specifications for product development. Emitter voltage bc549c bc550c vceo 30 45 vdc collector. Trans npn hv 65v 100ma to92 online from elcodis, view and download bc546 pdf datasheet, transistors bjt single specifications. Applications low noise stages in audio frequency equipment. Elektronische bauelemente npn plasticencapsulated transistor. When looking at the flat side with the leads pointed downward, the three leads emerging from the transistor are, from left to right, the collector, base, and emitter leads. Packaged in dpak, d2pak, i2pak, to220ab, to220fpab or isowatt220ab, this device is. These transistors are utilised in audio frequency, and small signal directly coupled preamplifiers. Applications datasheet search, datasheets, datasheet search site for electronic components and semiconductors, integrated circuits, diodes and other semiconductors. Pinning pin description 1 emitter 2 base 3 collector, connected to case fig.

Low noise input stages, hifi amplifiers, signal processing. Bc549 datasheet, bc549 pdf, bc549 data sheet, bc549 manual, bc549 pdf, bc549, datenblatt, electronics bc549, alldatasheet, free, datasheet, datasheets, data sheet. Bc549 datasheet, bc549 pdf, bc549 data sheet, datasheet, data sheet, pdf. For current tape and reel specifications, visit fairchild semiconductors online packaging area. Operating and storage junction temperature range tj, tstg. Unit test condition collector to base breakdown voltage vbrcbo 60 v ic50 a, i e0 collector to emitter breakdown voltage vbrceo 50 v ic1ma, i b0. Bc850 characteristics tj 25 c unless otherwise specified. Bc549c, bc550c low noise transistors npn silicon features these are pb. Nxp semiconductors product data sheet npn general purpose transistors bc549. Bc546 bc547 bc548 bc549 bc550 npn epitaxial silicon.

A, february 2000 bc546547548549550 npn epitaxial silicon transistor absolute maximum ratings ta25c unless otherwise noted. Datasheet identification product status definition. Bc548, bc549 vceo vceo vceo 65 45 30 v v emitterbase voltage bc546, bc547 bc548, bc549 vebo vebo 6 5 v v collector current ic 100 ma peak collector current icm 200 ma peak base current ibm 200 ma peak emitter current iem 200 ma power dissipation at t amb 25 c ptot 5001 mw junction temperature tj 150 c storage temperature range ts. Bc547 datasheet npn silicon epitaxial planar transistor. Ja thermal resistance, junction to ambient 200 cw e b c to92. Npn silicon epitaxial planar transistor, bc549 datasheet, bc549 circuit, bc549 data sheet. Bc549b datasheet, bc549b pdf, bc549b data sheet, bc549b manual, bc549b pdf, bc549b, datenblatt, electronics bc549b, alldatasheet, free, datasheet, datasheets, data. Bc549bp transistor datasheet pdf, bc549bp equivalent. Pinning1 collector datasheet search, datasheets, datasheet search site for electronic components and semiconductors, integrated circuits, diodes and other semiconductors. The generalpurpose range of transistors is a good substitute for basic noncritical audio applications, as these transistors are similar and equivalents to each other. Bc559, bc560 complement to bc546, bc547, bc548, bc549, and bc550 ordering information part number marking package. Datasheet contains the design specifications for product development. Bc549c, bc550c low noise transistors farnell element14.

Zetex bf723 silicon planar high voltage transistor datasheet created date. Bc239c npn transistor complementary pnp, replacement. General purpose small signal pnp bipolar transistor features silicon npn hermetically sealed to18 screening options available vcbo collector base continuous voltage vceo collector emitter continuous voltage with zero base current vces collector emitter continuous voltage with base shortcircuited to emitter. It is notably often the first type of bipolar transistor hobbyists encounter and is often featured in designs in hobby electronics magazines where. Datasheet identification product status definition advance information. Especially suited for use in driver stages of audio amplifiers, low noise input stages of tape recorders, hifi amplifiers, signal processing circuits of television receivers. Unit vcbo collectorbase voltage open emitter 2n2222.

High voltage fastswitching npn power transistor features high voltage capability low spread of dynamic parameters minimum lottolot spread for reliable operation very high switching speed high ruggedness fully characterized at 125 c integrated antiparallel collectoremitter diode applications. Bc557, 557b general purpose transistor page 1 310505 v1. Bc549, bc550 complement to bc556, bc557, bc558, bc559, and bc560 ordering information part number marking package. Bc549 has very low continuous current of 100ma hence it cannot be used to switch heavy loads. Bc549bp datasheet, equivalent, cross reference search. Junction, storage temperature tj, t stg 150, 55150 c electrical characteristics t a25c unless otherwise specified parameter symbol min. Bc556 bc557 bc558 bc559 bc560 pnp epitaxial silicon. Technical specifications of npn epitaxial planar transistordescriptiondesigned for use in drive stage of audio amplifiers. Apr 02, 2019 bc548 datasheet vcbo30v, 500ma, npn transistor fairchild, bc548bu datasheet, bc548 pdf, bc548 pinout, bc548 manual, bc548 schematic, bc548 equivalent. Bc546, bc547, bc548, bc549, bc550 elektronikkompendium. Semtech, alldatasheet, datasheet, datasheet search site for electronic components and semiconductors, integrated circuits, diodes, triacs, and other semiconductors.

Continental device india limited an isiso 9002 and iecq certified manufacturer npn silicon planar epitaxial transistors bc549, a, b, c bc550, a, b, c to92 plastic package general purpose transistors, best suited for use in driver stages of audio amplifiers, of tape recorders. Amplifier with transistor bc548 datasheet, cross reference, circuit and application notes in pdf format. Isiso 9002 continental device india limited datasheet catalog. The datasheet is printed for reference information only. The bc549c is an npn transistor belonging to a group of generalpurpose npn semiconductors consisting of bc547, bc548, and bc549. Here is an image showing the pin diagram of the this transistor. Bc556 bc557 bc558 bc559 bc560 pn p epitaxial silicon transistor. Technical specifications of npn epitaxial planar transistor, bc549 datasheet, bc549 circuit, bc549 data sheet. Dccom, alldatasheet, datasheet, datasheet search site for electronic components and semiconductors, integrated circuits, diodes, triacs, and other semiconductors. Bc558 silicon pnp transistor audio amplifier, switch. Bc546547548 549550 npn epitaxial silicon transistor. The bc548 is a generalpurpose npn bipolar junction transistor commonly used in european and american electronic equipment. Bc54920 datasheet, bc54920 pdf, bc54920 data sheet, bc54920 manual, bc54920 pdf, bc54920, datenblatt, electronics bc54920, alldatasheet, free, datasheet, datasheets. Bc546 bc547 bc548 bc549 bc550 npn epitaxial silicon transistor.

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